Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Shipping containers as underground bunkers

I know I can't just get a container from ebay and bury it in a field. They're just not made to have mud dumped on top of them. But would it be possible to make a roof for a shipping container which puts the weight of the mud through the corners? When stacked, the weight goes through the corners of the boxes because that's where they are strongest. In theory a roof should make it possible to use a shipping container without the roof collapsing, and it would be a lot cheaper than building something for the task.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Time to go shopping?

My valiant spork lost the battle with the butter in the fridge. Time to get another one.
Of course I'll have to get some other bits while I'm out.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Me and my dad are prep-minded, but the rest of the family is not. That's why I'm thinking of making up an all purpose pack for them so if something happens so I know they have something, instead of nothing. So far I came up with a list of stuff I can get easily and that they would be able to use without learning much first. I already have a pair of foil blankets to put in them and I'll be looking for the swim bags today in a school uniform shop. I'll be looking at what else they have in there too. I will also be making up a booklet of basics on how to use the stuff in the pack.

Item £ Pack Pack Total Link Item £ Pack Pack Total Link
Rizla green Tins £1.99 1 £3.98 here Superglue (2) £1.00 8 £1.00 here
Water Bottle £1.00 1 £2.00 here 9V Battery (2) £1.00 2 £2.00 here
Swim Bags £0.99 1 £1.98 here Stationary Set £1.00 1 £2.00 here
Lighter £1.00 3 £1.00 here Sewing Kit £1.00 1 £2.00 here
Flint&Steel £0.99 1 £1.98 here Carrier Bags (2) £0.05 1 £0.20 X
Cotton Pads £1.00 5 £1.00 here Jelly Watch £0.97 1 £1.94 here
Tea-lights (10) £1.00 40 £1.00 here Umbrella £1.00 1 £2.00 X
Puritabs (25 each) £4.28 100 £4.28 here Food Bags £1.00 1 £2.00 here
Tin/bottle opener £1.99 2 £1.99 here Paracetamol £0.30 1 £0.60 here
Hexamine Stove £3.98 1 £7.96 here Ibuprofen £0.35 1 £0.70 here
Hexamine Tablets £2.49 1 £4.98 here Plasters £0.45 1 £0.90 here
Mini super-torch £1.72 1 £3.44 here Tissues £0.50 1 £1.00 here
Blocklite £3.11 1
£3.99 1 £7.98 here

The stationary set has pen, two pencils, pencil sharpener, rubber (eraser), and notebook. The pencils and sharpener combined would make dry kindling, the rubber would probably smoke to make a signal, the notebook is also kindling if needed. The tins are for small items so they aren't rolling around in the bottom of the bag. I haven't put a knife on yet because I think the two people these are for carry some kind of small blade anyway, and I don't really know where to get a decent one easily. Also I already have two foil blankets so that's why they aren't on the list. The watch is to time boiling water more than anything, I have really bad time perception so my tin has a watch and three batteries.

If you see that something important missing feel free to point it out.
I'm still learning and would love some input. :)

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Drug Costs

Today I want to rant about the cost of common drugs for a bit.

Cetirizine [di]hydrochloride 10mg
The least expensive found are 14 for £1, or about 7p each.
The most expensive found are 14 for £6, or about 43p each.

Paracetamol (acitemenophen) 500mg
The least expensive found are 16 for 30p, or about 2p each.
The most expensive found are 24 for £4.50, or about 19p each.

Ibuprofen 200mg
The least expensive found are 16 for 35p, or about 2p each.
The most expensive found are 16 for £3.70 , or about 23p each.

Paracetamol + Aspirin & Caffeine
The least expensive found are 16 for 28p, or about 2p each.
The most expensive found are 12 for £2.00 , or about 17p each.

The last time I bought cetirizine a friend said that she takes it too and asked if it was cheaper. One item on prescription is £8.40, but the same from Poundland is £2, or from Boots is £3. Imagine the stereotypical little old lady going to the doctors to get something for her joints over winter. The doctor prescribes ibuprofen. The pharmacy hands over a box of 16 with instructions and demands £8.40. The same thing would cost 35p at Boots. The pharmacy might even be a Boots one and have them on the shelf, but because it's a prescription it will cost that much more, TWENTY FOUR times more, and they don't always tell you that you can buy the 35p version instead.

Ok, I feel a bit better now. I got some cetirizine and plain paracetamol earlier. I also got a ground-sheet from Poundland, I don't expect much but if I ruin it somehow at least it was only £1.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Limited Edition Foods

When you see a limited or trial flavour advertised, look on the reduced shelf once the limited time is up, the shops will put stacks of them there. Next time you go shoping look for the reductions shelf, most shops have them. Today I found the new Mac&Cheese pot noodles on there for 39p each. (I only got a couple for now since I don't know if I like them yet) This is something I will remember for the rest of my life: be aware of limited editions and trial flavours because if they don't all sell they will be going dirt cheap. <<18th May 2016, found in Morrisons, marked as "normal price 75p, reduced to 39p", pot noodles usually sell for £1>>

Saturday, 14 May 2016

I must be boring...

When I have something I think is worth writing about I will write about it. For now just follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, tumblr, Google Plus, Instagram, and YouTube to see what I'm sharing. (I don't have anything on YouTube yet but I hope to do something with it at some point and I don't really know what I'm doing with tumblr and instagram).

Monday, 2 May 2016

Wrong kind of lighter?

I  found a lighter but I don't know if I can do what I was planning to do with it. Might have to light loads of candles instead. It says poppel and I can't see a flint wheel in it anywhere.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Sparker cut-down video planned

Next time I find a dead or broken lighter I plan to do a video on how to cut it down to a sparker. I've seen it done on youTube and other pages before so I don't know exactly where I got the idea from.
This one is good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ33MxR86D8
Does anyone have any other ideas on what to do with it?

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Might be worth a look:

'What-If' drama exploring the effects of a cyber-attack on UK's national electricity grid

Got a new toy

I've had this little yellow knife for a while but I couldn't find anywhere to buy new blades for it. Today I found the same model (in green) in a famous cheap-tat store (not named, I'll say later) with extras so since it was cheap I got another one. Shame I couldn't get just the blades but it's a spare if nothing else. Since the law changed here these are technically illegal to carry because they lock (I don't want to get the shop in trouble) but I'm not going to be carrying them all the time anyway. The yellow one lives in my tin, and I don't know what to do with the new one yet but at least I have some spare blades. Some sod had taken the spares out of two packets before I got there so I had to dig to the back for this one. I don't know why they would steal them since they're only cheap.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

I went for a wander, explored some fields, and found a bridge I didn't know existed. Originally I was looking at a place I wanted to turn into a camp, but other people seem to have had that idea and have left the charred remains of a tent behind. No thanks. Oh well, on to the next spot. At least I expanded my mental map today.

Friday, 22 April 2016

My name is BimbleThunk and I'm a prepper.

I was thinking of having all the outdoor stuff I'm learning about in one place so BimbleThunk was born. Bimble has existed for a little week or two and I have been gathering accounts across different social network sites so that as Bimble I can learn things and hopefully teach other newbies things they might not have known existed. I will mostly be sharing stuff I think is interesting with the possibility of making some videos and sharing some photos and stories. So far I haven't really done anything but I plan to soon. I hope I learn a lot here and that I can help other people find things they were looking for.